Welcome to Dayspring
We are an organism - a part of the living Body of Christ - that bases our operation in Columbus, Georgia. Our fellowship spans the globe through cyberspace and the work of our mission partners: Online Bible College(OBC), Back to Jerusalem(BTJ), and Sound Choices Pregnancy Clinic. We are bound by relationship not religion, love not duty, fellowship not obligation.
All are welcome!
New from Dayspring!
Wednesday Night Bible Study is back!

We are meeting every Wednesday at 6:00 pm on Microsoft Teams. Reach out if you would like to join!
Featured Blogs from Dayspring
We greatly admire the image of the ‘self-made’ person – the independent rancher characters of John Wayne; the lone, super-skilled soldier of Rambo rescuing the prisoners of war; the provoked solitary assassin of John Wick
The holidays can be a trying time for most of us. Between immigrants that have settled here in America over the past 250+ years infusing a wide variety of religions and traditions into the mainstream of America and the commercial outlets that have glorified Santa Claus and the celebration of his yearly visits with mandatory events of feasting and gift-giving for its own sake, the ‘holiday season’ has expanded to span the entire last quarter of the year. Starting today, September 1 until the beginning of the New Year…
I overheard a discussion between my brother and my husband after dinner one night. The soldier and the pastor were lamenting the propensity of human beings to screw up the most basic of instruction, usually due to the belief that the hearer has a better idea of how things should go. My husband commented that this notion usually came in his line of work because people had too much information; too many other sources from which to gather information, not necessarily relevant…
I crave your indulgence for another very personal blog. I am Cass Garrettand, on this day, August 10, 2021, my granddaughter, child of my only son, and namesake was born in Columbus, Georgia. I am humbled by the grace of God that she and her mother are healthy and at 8lbs 10oz, she is obviously thriving. I prayed for this outcome and am so overjoyed that my will and God’s were the same.
How embarrassing is it to stand in line to pay for your groceries, have the cashier ring up every item only to discover you don’t have the right currency? You’ve waited in a ‘cash only’ line with nothing but a credit card and the cashier, according to company policy, cannot accommodate you
Just the title of this blog is making me chuckle. This is something that has been said by me and to me several times in my life. It is the shorthand way we tell each other that we have had a revelation about something in God’s Word. Being a disciple of Christ, I am continually learning about Him. My Bible studies have been hit and miss throughout my walk, but the most consistent studies I have done were through the Online Bible College (www.onlinebiblecollege.com).
It is often said that everything can change in a New York minute. You can be driving to work one morning safely moving along in traffic when without warning you are blindsided by another vehicle whose driver ran a red light. Instead of being at your desk a half hour later, you are in an ambulance headed to the hospital, your day, your week, your month or even your year totally disrupted and fraught with unanticipated difficulties and expenses.
It seems to be the standard response these days that when you ask someone how they are doing they answer with, “I’m tired.” Why are we all so exhausted? Modern man (and woman) can’t possibly be doing as much physical labor as our predecessors of even a decade ago. This from the Bureau of Labor Statistics (US) website: ‘Over the course of the 20th century, the composition of the labor force shifted from industries dominated by primary production occupations, such as farmers and foresters, to those dominated by professional, technical, and service workers. ...
I was asked this question several years ago and posted this on Facebook a while back. Since I’m visiting family in Florida this week and am missing my bulldog buddy, Chubb, I unearthed it for a quick blog before I head out for more family fun. My mutt is the most mischievous of our little pack of three, but I miss him all the same.
Forgiveness is the best and hardest thing we do.